Vice Chancellor's Message
This is important to would be undergraduates because we believe strongly that it is the essence of a university to set teaching in the context of active research.
We are very conscious of all our responsibilities to students. These extend beyond the main task of providing advanced education and training to attending to their welfare while they are with us and equipping them in all respects for subsequent successful careers. Recognizing the rapidly changing economic circumstances facing the graduate today, we are not complacent about the fact that the success of our graduates in obtaining employment is well above the national average for universities.
Determined to do even better, we have launched a comprehensive review of our curricula and our career advisory services to ensure that our students are given every possible chance to apply their academic achievement in productive careers. We are trying hard to ensure that Engineering graduates are familiar with computing and that engineers are both literate and articulate. This is but one way in which we help students profit from the varied, rigorous and enjoyable programs of study, sports and other activities that we offer.
The other pages on this site will tell you a great deal about our University and the beautiful and interesting region of Pakistan, namely, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology. If you decide to come to Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, we promise you both demanding academic standards and our wholehearted effort to help you meet them.
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