0 Learn More On Cats Habits

Not many people understand cats habits, but cats are honestly not a difficult creature to understand once their owners begin to comprehend that they are incredibly complicated, highly intelligent creatures. Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as a dumb cat, though they may do things that seem to be foolish at times. One thing that people might not be aware of is the fact that cats love to learn and are more than willing to do what they have learned if they like their owners. Even kittens enjoy learning and teaching them can be far easier and more rewarding than trying to train a dog.

cats habits Learn More On Cats Habits
One of many endearing cats habits is a cat’s love of playing. Even an elderly cat will get up and chase a string or play with a ball from time to time, while kittens and young cats seem to have endless supplies of energy. They will play with just about everything, ranging from a piece of paper or string to a laser light or even a cat “jungle gym”. They are extremely curious creatures and battery-operated toys that move spark their interest more than stuffed toy mice, unless those toy mice are stuffed with catnip.
Cats do sleep for a long period of time each day and take several naps to suppliment this sleep. This habit is not because cats are easily bored or distracted, but because of the fact that they go through periods of constant action followed by the need to sleep in order to recuperate energy that they have used playing or exploring. This is exemplified in kittens, for a kitten seems to have the extraordinary ability to simply fall asleep whenever they want, regardless of their location. This kind of cats habits in a kitten is because kittens tend to be more active than an adult cat, therefore they need more sleep.
Something peculiar about cats habits is eating. While cat food is the universal thing to feed cats, what some people do not understand is that all cats are finicky eaters. Some may prefer chicken over turkey, while others will only eat salmon or shrimp-flavored cat food. Canned food is always preferential to dry and cats will only eat what they like. Cats do not require vegetables, fruits or grains in their diet at all because they are opportunistic carnivores; meaning that while some may like fruit or vegetables, cats do not have to have it.
There are some cats habits that simply continue to stump people, such as cats and kittens running through the house with their tails crooked. This is not such a strange habit at all, for it is nothing more than an invitation for someone to come play with them. Some cats may develop the habit of waking their owners up at certain times of the day, which is not something that the cat should get in trouble for at all. Cats that exhibit this habit have become very close to their human owners and may not want anything more than to be pet or talked to.


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